Facebook has promoted its major selling point as being its ability to grow revenue. Now it is changing how marketers can measure effectiveness. Metrics such as Likes and clicks are becoming outdated. Now time spent on site and ad engagement metrics are seen as more significant. One of the biggest issues Facebook has been the limitations relating to view-through tracking. Google had a similar challenge when it launched, and such challenges can’t be solved quickly.
The change in how Facebook measures effectiveness relates to the reporting of how users interact with click on ads and content. Instead of a connection being measured, distinct actions are recorded, which provides greater transparency. Advertisers can now optimize to the metrics of a single action or actions, such as tracking page Likes, page post Likes, photo tags, page post shares and others. Marketers will be able to view these metrics in terms of daily, weekly and monthly results.
In time Facebook is likely to integrate the check-in function with the RSVP and coupon functionality, that would ultimately test offline success such as word-of-mouth effectiveness.
Source: https://adage.com/article/digitalnext/facebook-s-metrics-changing-game-marketers/236218